
Achieving High Customer Satisfaction Through Beta Testing

Beta testing offers a unique (and critical) perspective to your product testing strategy, enabling you to discover the key drivers of customer satisfaction. Hear expert advice on collecting insight from targeted users on user experiences, product quality, and potential interoperability issues.

Armed with meaningful feedback, you’ll make evidence-based recommendations that help drive the direction of your product.

What We'll Cover

The Benefits of Beta Testing

Discover what sets beta testing apart and how your customers win when you expose your pre-release product to a broader audience using your product in the real world.

Executing an Effective Beta Test

Collect meaningful feedback more efficiently with a list of planning, preparation, and execution tactics for running a successful beta test, based on 15 years of experience.

Analyzing Beta Test Feedback

Learn how feedback from beta testing can help you determine which parts of your product to Fix, Improve, and Promote so you're set for increased product success at launch.

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