
Consumer Insights
on the Subscription
Services Market

Get an in-depth look at subscription services — the consumers using them, what's driving their interest, and who's willing (or unwilling) to purchase additional subscriptions. Based on data from 7000+ users, this report examines customer satisfaction and adoption drivers for media streaming, meal plans, beauty boxes, and other subscription services.

What's in the Report?

How Customer Satisfaction Shapes Future Subscriptions

Explore the relationship between customer satisfaction, number of subscriptions, and willingness to opt into more services.

How Age and Income Are Influencing Adoption

Get a breakdown of consumers by age group and income, and see how these factors impact attitudes toward subscription services.

How Are Top Video Streaming Services Performing?

Compare satisfaction rates of platforms like Netflix and Hulu, and find out which streaming services consumers are most excited about.

Ready to read the free report?